
TXT Charts on X: Melon Rising Chart | 10

Melon Rising Chart | 10:00PM #1 CROWN (NEW) #2 Run Away (-1) @TXT_members @TXT_bighit.

IZ*ONE Charts on X: MelOn Rising Chart

MelOn Rising Chart: #1 Violeta #2 La Vie en Rose #3 FIESTA @official_izone #아이즈원 #WelcomeToIZLAND.

MelOn deletes Realtime Chart and Rising Chart

MelOn deleted Realtime Chart and Rising Chart. After months of preparations, the most popular App/Chart in South Korea finally decided to make a move into a ...

Stand By BOBBY - Melon rising chart (R&BSoul) Top 10 ...

Melon rising chart (R&B/Soul) Top 10 @bobbyranika #BOBBY_UMad_OutNow #bobby ©️chartsikon P.S 版主上传时间为5:01 27.01.2021.

[趨勢趨勢] Melon Rising Chart 34... - 永遠的今日:

[趨勢趨勢] Melon Rising Chart 3/4 韓國10:00PM 943又run away到第一名 (也是今年第「三」次 ) - cr.TXTCHART_KR #理燁 · 這次回歸孩子們的狀態感覺 ...

Red Velvet Stats on X

Melon Rising Chart 12 KST 1. #REDVELVET Psycho (+42) Rise ❤️ @RVsmtown.

MelOn Rising Chart @ 23:00 KST

Conversation. Kpop Charts · @kchartsofficial. MelOn Rising Chart @ 23:00 KST: Image. 2:28 PM · Apr 15, 2020. 132. 2K. 1K. 20. Read 132 replies.


MelonRisingChart|10:00PM#1CROWN(NEW)#2RunAway(-1)@TXT_members@TXT_bighit.,MelOnRisingChart:#1Violeta#2LaVieenRose#3FIESTA@official_izone#아이즈원#WelcomeToIZLAND.,MelOndeletedRealtimeChartandRisingChart.Aftermonthsofpreparations,themostpopularApp/ChartinSouthKoreafinallydecidedtomakeamoveintoa ...,Melonrisingchart(R&B/Soul)Top10@bobbyranika#BOBBY_UMad_OutNow#bobby©️chartsikonP.S版主上传时...